Monday, June 10, 2013

33 ways to feel better, for Jeff

Laura Baran

posted on May 14th, 2013 
Laura I miss my brother Jeff. He killed himself in 2000. He was born in 1980. He would have been 33 today.

Jeff was 20 when he died. I was 23. I pray to release the guilt and regret. I pray that I will allow myself to honor him still even though I fully release guilt, and regret about his death, and what I could have done better. He's still alive in memory without those things. What do they add, nearly 13 years later? What do they do? Do they help me grieve? Suicide is so complex. Why don't we just escape instead? I suppose that's what I finally did.

Jeff's legacy is a mile of kindness. It's an acre of creativity. It's a treasure chest gleaming with jokes and laughter. It's music. It's film. It's moments of bliss being with him. It's love. Love of children. Animals. Sick people. Old people. It's a voice. Strength. Saying what he felt was right. Justice. A strong sense of ethics. Saving my life.

I'm trying to help myself escape into a fantasy and make it my every day life. I can definitely do more. I'm trying to help others escape into loving themselves so they feel less alone and more connected.
I'm trying to show people that creativity can help them become their own best friend.

I will not be quiet. I will not bury my memories and feelings. I will talk. I will cry if I'm sad.
I will play music and paint. I will write like I'm doing now. I will share my feelings. I will ask for help. I will receive help. I will consider myself worthy of being helped. I will help others feel worthy of being helped. I will help others to learn to ask for help.

I am putting beauty into the world with my paintings.

I am nobody's punching bag anymore. And I don't even need to punch anyone to feel better. I don't stoop to that level. I show them how it's done. I always want to be about showing them how it's done. That's what Jeff did.

For Jeff, here are 33 things I do, and maybe you can do too, to feel better.
1    Paint nails
2    Makeup
3    Put on an awesome outfit
4    Buy flowers
5    Smell flowers
6    Play with a dog
7    Play with a child
8    Take a long walk
9    Lay on the grass
10  Hug a tree
11  Dance
12  Watch comedy
13  Take a bath
14  Essential oils
15  Massage
16  Sex
17  Body grooming
18  Clean a room
19   Shower
20  Breathe with attention
21  Meditate
22  Call someone you trust
23  Scream
24  Write
25  Pick things up off the floor
26  Feel it
27  Cry
28  Sunbathe
29  Affirmation painting
30  Favorite music, listen
31  Sing
32  Smile in the mirror, say something super loving and sweet
33  Do whatever relaxes you
Originally posted on May 14th, 2013

TThe original article blog can be found here

To learn more about Laura Baran go to:

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