Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The RISE Philosophy Pt. 1: A Purpose

Photo by Thomas Brown

            I feel that I am long overdue in explanation, or perhaps, I have just evolved my understanding and articulation of the situation.  I’m talking about R.I.S.E., its meaning and fundamental purpose.  In 2011,  I made close to one hundred phone calls to cities around the country talking about the RISE bicycle tour.  After long conversations, a good portion of those phone calls did bare the fruit of those individuals and groups willing to participate on the journey.  While on the road, we talked to hundreds, if not thousands of people.  Somewhere along the way, the meaning of the name was passed over.

            I guess it didn’t matter. After all those pre-tour conversations, those who accepted us did so because we had lost loved ones to suicide.  I doubt the name needed a meaning or purpose at that point.  It seems, with out much thought, people have lost touch with the true power that words hold.  Presenting an idea with intentional language has the power to breath life into a seeming lifeless abstract.  It can inspire in the ways that most actions do.  A word or ideal can radically shift perception, evolving awareness of the world in which we all walk through.

            With the three year anniversary of the conceptual conversation which took root just around the corner, I feel now is the most opportune time to bring forth some clarity.  What the hell is R.IS.E. (Revolution Inspired by Self Evolution)?  What is it, and what does it have to do with depression and mental illness?  Further more, how does art and creative expression fit into the greater philosophy?

            In regards to humanity and its multitude of cultures, everything in life on this little blue planet begins with the self.  How we view ourselves in terms of our environment will dictate how we walk through this world.  Essentially, the RISE philosophy promotes knowledge of self.  The acronym expresses this sentiment intentionally.  Revolution Inspired by Self Evolution:  Revolution (change) and Self Evolution (Intentional Reflection); now what this means- personal changes is catalyzed through intentional self reflection.

            To peel even more of that onion (in case you need the assistance), allow me to break it down even further.  It is absolutely paramount that each and every one of us knows, on some base cognitive level, know what we want in life.  The greatest tragedy in life is, not knowing your passion-that which turn you on.  Without passion, one is left with out purpose.  Not knowing your purpose leaves one filled with debilitating fear. 

            The great, yet paradoxical, element of purpose is that we get to create our own.  In order to create a purpose, you need to know your bliss.  If you don’t know what your bliss is, then you need to take the time to figure that out.  You need to reflect and start asking yourself some important questions.  What is my passion?  What do I love?  What do I want to excel at?  What do I want from this life?  Until you know the answers to those questions, you will remain in a limbo floating through the powerful currents of existence.

            Knowing what you want in the life you are given is just the first step in an every evolving journey from cradle to grave.  Once you know what you want, you have to make the decision to go after it.  Again, some personal questions need to be asked.  Am I willing to put in the effort?  Am I willing to sacrifice time and energy?  Am I willing to endure the struggle to accomplish?  Am I willing to be uncomfortable?  When you are able to say yes to your passion and bliss...when you are ready to sacrifice and let go of some comfort...when you are ready to walk the path and take the quest to live your dream, a fantastic magic is unleashed.

            The more you walk the path with an open heart while letting go of the need to control (which is an art in and of itself), you will begin to uncover the existence to a reality of the world never seen before.  A language of actions and events will unfold as you proceed on your quest.  What you always considered coincidence; a pointless and lifeless strange encounter, you know realize to be a living synchronistic web of connection filled with the abundance of purpose.

            Do not be mistaken…this is no easy task.  Just because you know what you want, and make the decision to go after it, does not mean it will fall into your lap.  Like everything else in life, there will be trials and tribulations.  Nothing is free.  I can promise you this; the reward is much greater when you work to attain your bliss, rather than floating through endless randomness with no intentional direction.  Whether you follow your heart and passion or float without intention or focus, those trial and tribulations will be there.  So why not just put up the trials while going after what you want.  No matter what excuse you give yourself, there will always be that void.  The void that only you can fill by knowing and going after that which brings you joy.

            Last, may I give one final suggestion?  Be adaptable and have faith.  Once you know what you want, and have made the decision to set out on your journey for it, expect the unexpected.  There are infinite ways to accomplish the goal of attaining your bliss.  Just as there are many roads from one city to another.  Don’t fall into the trap that convinces your mind that there is one perfect way to follow your bliss.  Pay attention to the clues and signals that the world is laying at your feet.  Above all, enjoy the scenery on the road as well as the people you meet along the way.